Why You Should Interview at Least Twice a Year (and assume your team is too)

I’ve shared before that I love interviewing (having conducted over 2,500 interviews), but I also really enjoy being in the interviewee’s seat. I can’t remember who it was, but early in my career, someone told me, “The best employees always interview, even when they are content.” I took that to heart and learned through those experiences that the grass isn’t always greener on the other side, but occasionally it was, and I changed roles!

I’ve found this to be a polarizing view. Some leaders I’ve worked with say, “No, good employees shouldn’t be looking; that means you are doing something wrong.” But that attitude leads to complacency and laziness. A good leader should assume they are hiring great talent that can get a job whenever they decide. In my experience, I’ve taken the opinion that my best employees are looking, and I need to continue to improve the environment and my relationship with those employees.

Interviewing isn’t easy, and it can be uncomfortable. However, when you think of interviewing like a muscle, you want to exercise it occasionally so it doesn’t atrophy and is ready to be used. Years after I had been following this practice, I read the book “Who Moved My Cheese?” which proposes a similar strategy to finding contentment with work.

I’ve found a few of the following benefits to interviewing regularly:

  • Realizing your market value
  • Networking
  • Keeping fresh and honing your interview skills for when your dream job is posted
  • Appreciating your current role / finding a better role

Throughout my career, this practice has kept me informed and helped me grow as a leader. It’s helped me stay on top of industry trends, negotiate better compensation, and understand what different companies value in their employees. The goal isn’t always to get an offer and a job, but about continuous growth and ensuring that you remain a valuable asset in the tech industry.

If you would like to do a mock interview or just have questions about interviewing, I’d love to help. Contact Me!